Friday, December 30, 2005

An Ending and A Beginning

Originally stated, these articles were necessary. They are a result of a conviction and a need. The personal experiences and the Biblical study of debt is something that ‘had’ to be shared. It is now at a point where ‘my’ journey of sharing is ending. At the same time, some are just beginning their journey to become ‘Unchained Slaves’ who are ‘Free to Serve’.

Summarizing these articles is difficult because there is a lot here. What do we know?
-Debt is sin. It is sin on a number of levels, envy, lack of trust, and in itself the sin of disobedience.

-Debt is slavery and interferes with our individual relationship with God.

-Trusting God is difficult, but He promises to meet all our needs beyond our expectations, IF we trust Him.

-In order to become debt free, we must recognize, repent and change.

-Getting out of debt seems like a hard sacrifice - until one compares it to the sacrifice of the Cross. Through this ‘odyssey’, we talked about the fact it may take years to accomplish the goal. Consider this: Jesus KNEW for some thirty years on earth what was going to be required of Him! [He knew it from the foundation of the world, but as a human, He knew His entire life how His life would end…compared to that, is the ‘sacrifice’ of getting out of debt such a big thing?]

-Getting out of debt is both physical and spiritual warfare.

-Giving to God is an important step (and a mandate from God) in getting out of debt.

-Living within one’s means is necessary. It requires a change in attitudes and actions.

-Living within one’s means is good stewardship and is learned.

-Budgets are useful tools to establish plans of good stewardship and becoming debt free.

-The world (especially in America) is designed to make one a slave to debt.

-Creditors are not friends, they are slavers.

-Slavers do not want one to become free.

-Budgets are just plans. In order to be of any use, one has to execute the plan.

-We all ‘fall down’. It may take more than one ‘attempt’ to get it right. It is not an ‘overnight’ success story. One can learn from mistakes, and draw closer to the Lord by obedience in becoming debt free.

-There is very little that compares to the ‘joy of the Lord’ one experiences when one becomes ‘free’ from debt.

-Once free from debt, the temptation to become re-enslaved is an ongoing battle. It is a battle one can win with God’s help.

We will continue the ‘summary’ with some admonitions, promises and encouragements.


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