Saturday, December 31, 2005

More Insanity! Or, I’m with Stupid!

Received an ‘Honorable Mention’ slavery offer.

On the outside of the envelope, in big, bold letters, was the sentence, “WE THINK YOU DESERVE MORE CREDIT!” Additional to that, “You’re pre-qualified!” "No deposit required!"

What kind of credit do I deserve?
According to the slaver, I must deserve credit for stupidity.

Here is their offer:
19.5% Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
31.50% Default APR
$150 Annual Fee
$29 Account Opening Fee
$6.50 Monthly Maintenance Fee ($78 per year)

While there is no ‘deposit’ required, a $20 minimum payment is due BEFORE activating the credit card!

In the fine print (grey, 6 pt font) "Your initial credit limit will be $300 and the following fees will appear on your first statement: Annual Fee of $150, Account Opening Fee of $29, and Monthly Maintenance Fee of $6.50 ($78 per year). After making your initial monthly payment of $20, your available credit will be $134.50.

Let me get this straight: The credit ‘I deserve’ is to pay the slaver $20 so that I can owe the slaver $165.50 for the privilege of borrowing $134.50.

That means, pay $20 to owe $165.50 [plus interest and monthly fees] for the privilege of being a slave, even if the card is never used.

If I accept this offer, I DO DESERVE IT!


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